How Red Light Therapy Works and Five Ways it Can Help You

Wellness Center Asheville NC

One of the top trending services we offer here at Triveda Wellness is red light therapy. This innovative and non-invasive therapy is a safe way to treat multiple skin issues. In red light therapy, your body is exposed to low wavelengths of red light. The light penetrates deep into your skin and is absorbed by your cells. According to Medical News Today, it can rejuvenate the skin by increasing collagen production, fibroblast production, circulation between blood and tissue cells, and the mRNA in your cells. It also protects cells from damage and improves your facial texture.

red light therapy asheville nc

There are many reasons to use red light therapy including:

  1. Treating acne – Similar to the sun, red light therapy can help calm overactive glands that clog up and cause acne. The bonus is that red light therapy doesn’t have the same potential of causing cancer with overexposure that the sun has.
  2. Wound healing – Reducing inflammation and stimulating new blood vessels to form are just part of how red light therapy can help your wounds heal faster.
  3. Hair growth – Some studies have shown people to have improved hair density when receiving low level light like red light therapy.
  4. Anti-inflammatory – Red light therapy can have significant anti-inflammatory effects on both the area where the light is applied and in other tissues and organs in the body.
  5. Reduce pain – Some people use red light therapy as a way of reducing pain, especially from musculoskeletal disorders.

No matter what benefits you are seeking from red light therapy, we know you will be more than satisfied with its effects on your skin. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at Triveda Wellness.

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