Laser Therapy for Hair Loss

Triveda can help both men and women achieve unbelievable and permanent results using natural and non-invasive methods at a fraction of the cost of implants. Our FDA-cleared and clinically proven hair growth program utilizes both LED technology and a natural supplement regimen available to help you achieve the results you desire in just 1-3 months.

Our hair regrowth system works on many common causes of thinning hair or balding, including genetics, chronic stress, poor nutrition, chronic inflammation, hormonal fluctuations (including pregnancy), thyroid disease, alopecia areata, and even over-styling (harsh chemicals can damage hair).

How It Works

When hair begins to bald, the hair falls out, but the hair follicles remain, although they stop producing hair and go dormant. Then, when you lose hair naturally, new hair is either slow to replace the lost hairs, the new hair is thin and weak, or hair growth stops altogether. Therefore, the key is to get the hair follicles out of dormancy to perform their function again.

What we see as “hair” is mostly a protein called keratin that makes up the hair shaft. Red light waves penetrate the skin to the base of the hair follicles. When red light photons absorb into the skin and reach the cells in the hair follicles, they interact with light-sensitive receptors in the mitochondria, energy-producing organelles inside the cells. This interaction stimulates the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the primary cellular fuel. Optimally fueled cells function better. They can do their jobs, replicate more successfully, and defend themselves against oxidative stress and environmental pathogens. As the hair follicles become functional again, the papillae will create more keratin, which results in hair growth.

Increased Collagen Production

Red light also increases collagen production, another type of protein found in the body. Collagen isn’t present in hair, but it acts as an antioxidant to fight damage caused by free radicals. These are harmful compounds that develop in the body during stress or due to environmental pollutants or poor nutrition.

Free radicals damage hair follicles, contributing to their inability to grow hair. Increased collagen means less oxidative damage, supporting normal hair follicle functioning.

Increased Microcirculation to the Scalp

Red light has also been shown to increase the creation of new capillaries, which improves blood flow to the scalp and brings oxygen and nutrients to hair follicles. But it’s not just blood flow that improves; capillaries are also present in the lymphatic system, which removes waste that can damage the hair follicle.

Triveda Can Help!

Traditional hair regrowth options involve invasive surgeries that cost up to $15,000 out of pocket or are done through the application of harsh chemicals with mixed or lackluster results. Triveda can help both men and women achieve unbelievable and permanent results using natural and non-invasive methods at a fraction of the cost of implants. Our FDA-cleared and clinically proven hair growth program utilizes both LED technology and the best supplement regimen available to help you achieve the results you desire in just 3-6 months. The best part is our groundbreaking treatment starts under $400 per month!

Get started today by booking a free consultation to discuss your personalized hair growth strategy and red light treatment plan. Book with us and receive a free gift to help jumpstart your hair growth!

Our Two-Part System

Our red light head unit is FDA cleared and clinically backed to help regrow hair and prevent further hair loss. Participants saw an average of 40% regrowth in 6 months or less.

Triveda’s two-part system utilizes a natural product line in addition to the laser hair treatment sessions which includes hair strengthening shampoo, conditioner, vitamins, and serum. 

Schedule a free consultation

Treatment Process

Triveda’s Hair loss program is month-to-month, consisting of 2-3 laser treatments per week. To enroll in our program, click the booking link below, purchase our monthly program, and schedule your initial visit to our center. When you arrive, you will receive your first 25-minute treatment as well as a month’s supply of our natural products. After your first appointment, you can call us or book your follow-up visits online. 

After completion of your first month, you can elect to rebook our monthly program and repeat the process until the desired results are achieved.

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